"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies." ~ Friedrich Nietzche 



Therapeutic Massage

More than just an indulgence, massage therapy is extremely therapeutic and often a necessity for healing. Studies continue to show its benefits on the body and mind, including:

  • Increases blood and lymph circulation

  • Improves joint mobility, relieves pain and muscular tension

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Reduces blood pressure and decreases stress

  • Helps regulate the nervous and endocrine systems

  • Decreases high cortisol levels and improves stress responses

  • Increases muscle and skin tone

  • Softens scar tissue and improves rehabilitation after injury or surgery

I use a combination of western and eastern techniques that I have gained over the last 15 years of study and practice, including: Swedish, deep tissue, Tui Na, active release technique, advanced myofascial techniques, cranio-sacral, sports massage, and Thai massage.

Massage therapy is only offered in conjunction with acupuncture to treat medical conditions.



Variations of suction (cupping) treatments have been used by healers across the globe including ancient Egyptians, North American Indians, early Greeks, as well as Asian and European countries. It involves using a glass, bamboo, or silicone cup shaped tool to create a vacuum and suction force on the skin, fascia and muscle beneath it. Circulation under the cup is strongly increased, allowing fresh blood to enter into areas that have had sluggish blood and lymph flow. Cupping is often used on muscles that are chronically tight or contracted, fibrotic tissue and scar tissue. Skillfully applied cupping can enhance circulation, pull out lingering toxins in connective tissue, relieve pain & improve mobility.

A tight skin suction is felt in the area where the cup is applied which can be adjusted in intensity. Many find it to be relaxing and soothing. The cups may be moved along muscles groups (running cupping), or left in place (stationary cupping) and generally takes 5-10 minutes. Cupping causes the skin to turn red, blue, or purple, on areas where there is injury, inflammation or stagnant circulation. The skin discoloration can last anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks, but is rarely painful. Once the marks have cleared, the procedure can be repeated to normalize myofascial circulation. As the tissue being treated regains normal circulation the marks left by the cupping procedure decrease dramatically. Cupping is often combined with acupuncture or massage.

Cupping for the lungs

Cupping of the upper back is also quite effective in getting over an upper respiratory infection with cough and lung congestion. The sucking action helps to loosen phlegm in the lungs so that it can be expectorated. Additionally, increased blood circulation to the lungs boosts immunity. Many Asian cultures use cupping along with a eucalyptus-type oil over the upper back, at the start of a common cold, in order to shorten its duration.


Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine. Also referred to as ‘coining, spooning or scraping’, tools such as coins, ceramic spoons, animal horn or carved jade are used to scrape the body surface. The purpose is to intentionally create transitory therapeutic petechiae called ‘sha’ representing extravasation of blood in the subcutis.

Raising “Sha” removes blood stagnation considered pathogenic in Chinese medicine. Modern research shows the transitory therapeutic petechiae produce an anti inflammatory and immune protective effect that persists for days following a single Gua Sha treatment. People may experience immediate relief from pain and stiffness when it is used for musculoskeletal issues. Like cupping, it is also used on the back for upper respiratory infection, fever, chill, cough, wheeze, nausea and vomiting.

Facial Gua Sha is recently gaining popularity in the west. Delicate tools made from jade or rose quartz are used to massage the face in upward and outward directions in order to tone, lift, and smooth the skin. As the skin is gently scraped, micro-circulation is improved, which brings oxygenated blood to the dermal layers clearing congestion, stimulating cell renewal and brightening your complexion.